Here we are not even half way through the year and we’ve already sent over a half million email marketing messages for our clients.

So, what have we learned from sending over 3,500 messages a day? Well, a lot to be honest. We accumulate all the data we get (like deliverability, open rates, click through and purchase rates, & more) and evaluate what helps a campaign be successful. From that analysis we then take those learnings and carry it forward into future campaigns for continuous improvement in our email marketing campaigns. We also learn the best way to work with clients to make it easy for them to get their marketing messages out.

The Easy Button for Email Marketing

Many times Chief Marketing Officers or Heads of Marketing departments come to us and say they don’t have the time to research, manage, execute, and report on email marketing campaigns. We take all of that and hit the proverbial “easy button” and handle all the heavy lifting for them. This frees them up to work on other areas of their responsibilities.

On a regular basis we are doing the following things to make CMOs & Marketing Directors lives easier: 

  • Researching email marketing platforms
  • Keeping track of email marketing trends
  • Developing ideas for campaigns
  • Writing content and designing graphics & promos
  • Executing the technical aspects of message development
  • Analyzing results
  • Benchmarking results and stats by Industry
  • Communicating with your marketing team
  • Idea generation (where we shine – ahem – humble brag)
  • Generating Reporting to share with you and your teams
  • Planning for upcoming months
  • Creating and updating strategy based on business objectives and results

So, while we’re thrilled to have sent over a half-million messages already – its the upcoming ones that we’re most excited to be sending. Contact our team today and let’s collaborate on how we can help improve your results and help you benefit from our expertise!

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