Okay, so it may be a few days late but better late than never, right? If you’re reading this, congratulations, you have made it into 2013, the world did not end and 2012 is in your rear view mirror. We are now a week and a half into January and more than likely, you fall into one of the three following categories. You have either: A) made New Year’s resolutions and worked hard to start the year out strong, B) given up your 2013 resolutions (but you gave it a good run…) or C) resolved not to make any resolutions in the New Year. (After all, who really follows through with them?)

Regardless of which of the above categories you fall into, I would like to challenge you.I would like to challenge you all in 2013 to strive towards carrying out one resolution all year long. I challenge you to attend at least one networking event to improve or soak up knowledge in your related career field.

And here’s why…

If you work in the wonderful world of internet marketing, whether it is via email marketing, search engine optimization, social media, or even extending to the field of web design, you know that the World Wide Web is ever evolving. For the Email Marketeer there is always something new to learn, the SEO experts are constantly keeping up with the latest algorithm change up, Social Butterflies are buzzing about the latest social platform to hit the internet and Web Developers are gossiping about the latest “oh so sexy” website (if you can consider a website sexy).If you find it hard to maintain this resolution, push yourself. There are a number of benefits one can receive if they put themselves out there in the business world. Aside from the constant flow of new information, attending networking events allows you to make connections. In the world of social media, this is crucial. Connections allow you to put a face to a nameand aids in the establishment of building yourself to be a trusted individual. If learning new trades or making connections hasn’t enticed you enough, I have one more trick up my sleeve. Free food. Almost every networking event in the DFW area lures you in with free drinks or appetizers; and there’s something about the phrase “free food” that will make even the most calm and collected grown man go weak in the knees (especially when it’s in the form of free alcohol).

Even if you have already abandoned your 2013 resolutions, don’t fret! There are still 3 weeks left in January and after all, it’s better late than never; isn’t it?

Here is a list of upcoming events in the DFW area for those of you interested in the realm of internet marketing:

Social Media Club of Dallas, SMC Dallas, will be meeting on January 17th at 6:00PM at the Angelika Film Center Dallas to present “Real-Time Content Marketing in a World of Search and Social”. If you have yet to attend a SMCDallas event, I highly encourage it. If you’re lucky, you might even get to meet the infamous “Popcorn Guy”! Click here to register!

DFW SEM If you are an internet search guru in the DFW area you do not want to miss this! DFW Search Engine Marketing Association will meet on January 23rd at 6:00 pm to present “Local SEO in 2013”. Interested? Click this handy-dandy link to register! 

DFW AMA will meet on January 30th at 11:00 AM and will be presenting, “Marketing Research SIG: My Needs – Your Needs.”

Social Media Breakfast, SMB Dallas, will be meeting on January 31st. Details on the January presentation are soon to come but you can catch up on the November meeting by reading my summary of the event!

Once you’ve learned all you can at SMB Dallas head on over to CXMSUMMIT which will also be hosted on January 31st. CXMSUMMIT will feature three keynote speakers and will cover the best practices related to social media and business growth.

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