In case you have somehow (miraculously) avoided the internet this week, here’s what you missed…

This Corgi is having a better time/life/massage than you, because being a Corgi puppy is, as we all know, very hard work.

Apparently, there is a need to inform people which articles on Facebook are satirical.

Miss Texas can’t pitch…but in her defense, she’s Miss Texas not Mariano Rivera. Either way, it’s still pretty funny.

Your universe might just implode with this commercial for the upcoming Emmy Awards featuring Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul, and Julia Louis Dreyfus.

And you thought you wouldn’t get to see Walter White and Jesse Pinkman together again (even if brief, it’s better than nothing).

This wombat is more famous than you.

Or maybe just easier to Photoshop…

Yes, we know you’ve seen your fair share of “Ice Bucket Challenges,” but there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a few people failing at the challenge.

Really, though, you should just donate!

Because sometimes an “all-star” rating on LinkedIn is just not enough.

Best of luck to this recent graduate!

From the infamous Flea Market sensation, to now…this.

School is just around the corner, and The Holderness Family, the same family who brought you “XMAS Jammies” has done it again.

Watch their latest video, “Baby Got Class” to get your kids ready for back to school.

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