This internship has definitely come and gone with the blink of an eye! My final day was upbeat and full of bonding before I left the office. It’s amazing how much I have learned in what seems to be such a short period of time. Here are the three things I think are most important to hand off to you future interns, or those just starting a new job. Enjoy!

1. Communicate. This is definitely number one on the list for good reason. I’ll admit I’ve struggled with communicating properly to the higher authority at times here. The truth is, I was scared to say I was falling behind on a task, but you have to remember: it’s better to communicate than leave it left unsaid. Your boss will be more understanding than you think!

2. Stay positive. Trust me, I’ve had days where I just want to cry. But just think: a positive intern is a positive work place! A happy mindset can go along way. You can get through anything if you just smile and take your tasks one step at a time.

3. Bond. Go into that internship with an open mind, and bond with those around you! The more you get to know your fellow co-workers or clients, the more you’ll want to come to work. And the more they’ll have good things to say about you! Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

With all of those things in mind, I believe I’ll grow as another future intern myself. I’m grateful for this opportunity and can’t wait to see what is in store next! Best of luck to my fellow interns out there, and remember: stay positive!

If you’re looking for a summer internship, apply with Atomic Design & Consulting.

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