Humans are incredibly visual creatures, although I probably don’t need to tell a fellow human that. Our eyes catch an image and are immediately drawn to it. There is just something about pictures and photos that provoke immediate emotions and responses, and words just can’t keep up.
I have been a huge proponent of picture with posts, and I’m clearly not the only one. I love posting photos, I love looking at photos, and I have seen the stellar results of posting photos for clients first hand. On one client’s Facebook account, I saw an average of 10X the amount of interactions on posts with a photo. Don’t just take my measly research for it though.
According to Mashable, more than 250 million photos are uploaded to Facebook a day. Wowzer! Think of all the possibilities for comments! Also, did you know that when a post includes a picture it generates between 120-180% more engagementthan just the post alone?
Now that you know about the great power that photos hold, here are a few guidelines to wield that power successfully:
- Don’t infringe on copyright laws. Make sure that the photos you post are available for public use, or even better…
- Post original pictures that highlight your businesses goods or services. Make sure the photos are good! This may seem like a no brainer, but I have seen enough horrible photos to include this tip. There is nothing catchy about an over-exposed image showcasing half of your thumb.
- Make the pictures relevant, timely, appropriate, and approachable. Post photos about recent events you attended, and thoroughly check your pictures BEFORE you post anything that you might not want to be representative of your brand.
- Make it fun and catchy! Good rule, I know.
Now you are armed and dangerous, with the ability to generate loads more engagement simply by letting your company become visible to customers. What other kinds of posts draw engagement to Facebook pages that you have seen? Have another tip for photo posting? Leave your comments below, pictures welcome!
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