Like many people out there, I was and still am a little skeptical of Google+ as a social network. There is no doubt in my mind that every business needs to be on this platform but, I think Google+ may fall under the ever blurring lines of SEO as opposed to Social Media. I am however becoming a huge advocate for the Google+ search options as well as how they integrate into my search on the regular Google homepage.
Streams and Circles
Option one is the obvious, take advantage of streams and circles. Set up your circles strategically to get the most out of the people you are following. For example, try making circles with like-minded people in them who post the same types of things. This will increase your productivity when searching for news on a specific topic because there won’t be any random friends to muddle it up. Be deliberate about your circles and screen the people in them carefully.
Search Bar
Did you know that when you so a search in the search bar at the top of the page you can save that search and it will show up on the left hand side of your home page for you to revisit later? Set up a few key word searches in your field and keep an eye on what others in your area of expertise are saying. You can also sort your search by location, the types of people (business pages or personal pages) and even if you want to see just what people in your circles are talking about on that term. You will find great articles and don’t forget to share!
Many people haven’t noticed the trends on the right hand side of the search page. Similar to the Twitter Trending Topics, you can see what people are searching for and talking about on Google+ right now. Put those key words in your posts if relevant and get in front of the people searching those topics!
Google’s Personal Search Results
For awhile now, you may have seen when you are logged into your Google account and do a search on the Google homepage, it shows results from your friends at the top. These are pulled from your Google+ circles or contacts you have in your gmail. Be sure to +1 pages you find helpful so they will show up for your friends first. This is especially helpful for blog posts!
You can also turn these results off if you are looking to broaden your search. In the top right corner of the screen you will see a little person and a little globe, clicking the globe will hide your personal results. There are also more advanced searches if you click on the gear to the right but that’s getting into SEO a bit.
Check out these great search tools on Google+ and be sure you are accommodating to those who are trying to find your business too! Use keywords in your posts for SEO and make sure your posts are social of course! What other tips have you found for a better search experience on Google+?
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