Do you remember the good ole days? Back when you only had to manage a couple of social outlets to promote your business and manage your online reputation? Well, those days are gone. Just as soon as you learned (way more than you ever wanted to) about promoted Facebook ads and Tweet Adder programs, some genius comes along and tells you that you need to be on Linked In and Google + and Pinterest. Now ask yourself, are you going to spend the weekend trying to figure out how to create a pin board and determine what type of content would be appropriate for you to pin? Maybe you’d prefer to learn about managing circles on Google+ and starting a Google+ hangout? Maybe you can attend a seminar on how to properly create a company profile on Linked IN and figure out which groups you should be participating in?
Unfortunately, we all know this is only the beginning. We’re also reminded each day that it’s essential for our businesses to participate on social media no matter what the product or service you have to offer. So much so, that our phone rings a few times each week with someone on the other end who has reached their social media breaking point. Either they had an employee create a page and now the employee is gone and they have no idea how to log into it and manage it. Or, they are trying to customize and brand their page to no avail and have succumbed to the fact that they need help.Don’t fret! We’re here. In fact there are a plethora of qualified companies and individuals who can spare you from the torture. No more needing to make sure you post something clever each day. No more concerns over negative feedback on outlets. No more worries about learning a whole new platform. You can leave that to us! Some people find it hard to conceive, that we have a team of individuals who devote their entire day to doing all of that for our clients. Yes, it’s true. They get paid to represent our social media clients on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Linked In, Pinterest and more!

It’s not as glamorous as it might sound though. We’re not just posting pictures of cute puppies and liking baby pictures our friends posted. We are doing the heavy lifting. Solving all of our clients’ social media challenges. Determining who to connect with and how to grow their fan base and reach. Making certain their outlets have brand integrity, developing social media policies, managing their online reputations and much more. I can’t tell you how many prospects I’ve talked to who thought they could just have their daughter set up their accounts one night after school. Just because your kid watches television all day, does not mean they are qualified to be a TV repair expert.

Do yourself a favor. If you’re late to the game and just getting started, or, picking up where someone else left off, take the time to consult with a digital agency that specializes in social media campaigns. Not only setting up a page here and there but, determining how to attract a following, how to engage them with compelling content and most importantly, how to convert them into revenue! The people who purchase and love your product and service are the greatest vehicle for leveraging ambassadors of your company and spreading the word to future customers. Don’t let social media bog you down and give you tired head. Let someone else, who has the right tools and know how to manage it for you. You’ll get better results, have more time for other activities and not stress each time a new platform becomes the latest and greatest place for people to share their opinions.

Get started on an Atomic social media campaign today by clicking here!

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