There’s little a client respects and appreciates more, than setting a realistic and accurate expectation of the services you intend to deliver. Want to damage your reputation the easy way? Promise someone something you can’t deliver on. Chances are, your client is going to keep an eye out for someone new to provide your services. The following is a few basic fundamentals to meeting your client’s expectations.
When it comes to web design and development timelines, be sure to work within your project management schedule. Better to be conservative when quoting delivery dates, than run the risk of not meeting your deadline.
On deliverables, the more detail regarding the scope of the project you can put in writing, the more likely you are to have a satisfied client. When it comes to search engine optimization or a social media campaign, be certain you’ve communicated as much of the techniques and practices you intend to utilize as well as how you will measure your ROI and results.
When handling revisions requests for your projects like web development and email marketing services, this could be an area of opportunity for you. The value and cost of communication is often overlooked. Designating a project manager, who “all” correspondence will be funneled through, increases efficiency and limits miscommunication, streamlines your process, eliminates confusion and increases profits.
A client who receives clear communication, the services delivered on time and as promised, is a client you keep.
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